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Project | 06

Documentation | The Lich's Reverie GDD

The Lich's Reverie game design document is a semester-long assignment at Academy of Art University during the Spring 2018 semester. This was made in Microsoft Word, Google Docs, and Google Sheets.

This wasn't my first GDD, but it was my first one that tackled developing systems for a new game. The full document is 83 pages long. Here's a small sample of seven pages that contains some sections' overviews.

[Unrelated stock photo from Wix.]

Project | 07

Card Game | Finding Osiris

Finding Osiris was a final for a non-game class at Academy of Art University during the Spring 2018 semester. This is a card game based on the famous Myth of Osiris. This game was developed within three weeks, along with a prototype card deck.


The cards were designed in Microsoft Word (yes, really) and were printed on off-white card stock (didn't want to print of regular ol' printer paper, they needed to be thick). Here are the rules.

I plan on redoing the design of the cards at some point in the near future. I also would like to print them on playing card stock.

Project | 08

MR Experience - PC | Mine Detector MR

Mine Detector MR was a semester-long, VR/MR project I helped produce. This game is a large-scale VR/MR experience that puts players in the middle of a WWII minefield, equipped only with their mine detector. The goal is to navigate the minefield safely and escape! We used a Windows MR headset and Unity to build this game. 

I had more of a producer intern experience. I wrote most of the documentation on this project. I wrote an asset list, audio asset list, and dialogue for a non-player character named Jimmy.

Project | 09

Video Game - Mobile | Hemlock and the Horrible Net​

Hemlock and the Horrible Net is a mobile auto-runner that stars the adorable squid, Hemlock! Hemlock must save the innocent fish while out-swimming the horrible net that trails behind him!

This was the first collaboration I did at Academy of Art. I was the lead designer by default because I was in a team of three: one artist, one programmer, and one designer.

Here's a link to the game in the Google Play store.

*Art by Casey Fay.

Project | 10

School Project | Physics Playground in Unreal

This was a physics testing ground for a project in my VR 1 class. Unfortunately, I haven't heard much updates on that project since that semester ended. However, I am happy to present what I did in Unreal! I have a love for physics in general, so I had a blast experimenting with game physics.

This has a lot of different blocks with different physics materials, destructible values, masses, and so on. The Unreal Engine version I used was 4.15.

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