This is one of my older assignments from my 3D modeling class. The final assignment was to model and texture a sci-fi hallway.
I did not like this assignment. I wasn't ready to make models like this, even with high-level references. I wasn't too ready for texturing the models for my midterm, so coming into this one made me feel wholly unprepared. I made what's presented here, and I got an average grade for it.
Like I said in the 3D model midterm post, this class didn't push me towards the modeling side of game development. The class itself wasn't bad at all, it's just modeling isn't for me.
I know this post sounds pretty negative in terms of my work, but I don't let that get me down. I had to take the class, and I walked out with work to show for it. I shouldn't be afraid of showing off some whatever work.
Ok but for my portfolio, only the best of the best. That's why this is here and not on my main page.