Heyo! It's been a while since I posted! It's been uh, a long year, 2020. Me losing my job seems like a micro-chasm of everything that's happened since then. A couple random updates: I am currently working for Jam City! Woohoo! And more specific to the title of the blog, a friend (2devils) and I worked on a game demo for the Cute yet Creepy Game Jam from itch.io! Link here link to the game jam here: https://itch.io/jam/cute-yet-creepy.
We wanted to go for a fairytale-esque setting and created Madeleine and the Candy Witch's Curse! Link here to our demo here: https://2devils.itch.io/madeleine-and-the-candy-witchs-curse . Please check it out! Thank you in advance and may this year get better for you! :D