The next six pages are my first notes on the parallaxing and the positioning of the tilesets. The design team had gotten some base tilesets (according to page 19, the ground, lake, forest, background forest, mountains, and sky) to work with. This is where we started building the game's level.
Pages 18 and 19: Page 18 is the first page on this topic. I wrote down baseline info necessary for placement (such as no negative layers, making layer 0 the minimum). With 6 layers to work with, I labeled and organized them here (I believe jotting noted down makes a lot of things easier, if you haven't noticed). I also noted the base friction, to make sure I can see the layers moving as the camera moves. Page 19 continues with the initial layer orders. The next set seems to be the arrival of the naming convention (RenderLayer##_[TilesetName]). The blank friction values may have been for any updates I made. I guess I didn't change the values quite yet.
Pages 20 and 21: Page 20 is the start of tilesets' X and Y values. This is potentially the early beginnings of an annoying bug that went on for months. I spent some time placing the ground tiles and measuring their pivots' distances (which is where the -19.21 to 0.01 to 19.19 come in). With this placement (and a script that brings certain objects around to a relative position because the map is a circle), I had to make sure the players weren't falling through gaps due to bad tile placement and the overlapping colliders weren't causing new problems. The 28.8 value is for how much the tile would move left or right (-X and X) in a scenario with only three ground tiles. This number is dependent on the number of ground tiles, which would change as the project went on.
That was a mouthful for half of that page, so time to talk about the next half!
The next half covers a revision of the layer order, which comes with clouds! That "tile layer... whatever" must've been a foreshadow to all my work in the spring semester, haha. In all seriousness, I don't know why I wrote that. Maybe I knew I was going to be updating it soon? Under that is a short section on the 2D camera. Camera placement is important!
Page 21 covers more in-depth tileset details. The details include: name, layer order value, layer friction value, and X transform (leftmost, middle, and rightmost for those that had a set of three tiles). There are some notes in pen in the lower half of the page. I believe one was an update on the sprites themselves; we took a forest tile out, if I remember correctly. The layer friction update was more or less tweaking.
Pages 22 and 23: Page 22 is the remainder of the tileset details, covering the background elements (clouds, mountains, and the sky). Page 23 is a small section of to-dos for me. The collider note may have been a test to see how a new collider on the ground tile would work out. The next note is for cabins in the background, which meant adding another layer.
Dates: October 26 - November 6, 2017