The last pages of the sketchbook! These pages, like the previous five, cover the math and physics of the sprites and map. The gaps in time may have been due to my notes sticking [almost exclusively] to Google Docs.
Page 36: This page is a continuation of page 35, focusing a bit more on the ground tiles. I was making triply sure the ground tiles would connect properly. I also determined the number of ground tiles needed for the map, so I didn't carelessly leave a ton of tiles out. That note about the characters falling through the map was an ongoing issue, so having the tiles slightly overlap was one of my solutions for whenever the characters were sitting on the cusps. This kind of helped, but later on, a script would mostly fix that bug.
Page 37: This page is dedicated to re-scaling midground and background tree sprites. I had to determine the midground sprites' scale values before really cracking down on the task. There are different values because there are different kinds of trees.
Page 38: This is another page about re-scaling, but instead of trees, it's the cabins's distances. Using that 25%, I placed the Counselor's Office in the correct spot relative to cabins 1 and 2. There's also a bit of math off to the right for the changing the distances of the background cabins.
Page 39: This page is a prime example of how overboard I can go with trying to capture realistic physics in a video game. I was hellbent on achieving the correct layer friction to show how walking around the map would look. I determined the map's radius and diameter with the circumference, then used the radius to determine the arc length. I put that value aside for a bit and used the radius to determine the player's angular velocity. (Looking at this, the arc length may have quickly became irrelevant, since I really needed the radius. Guess I was being extra.) The lower right corner has the equation needed to determine the layer friction (after looking at the script, I determined that to also be a velocity, so a conversion wasn't out of question). Those calculations were done on my TI-89 and the results were written down in my journal (needed the lined paper).
Page 40: The last page is of course, more math (or math!) This is much simpler compared to the previous page. I just needed a quick conversion to determine the position of the background Counselor's Office.
Dates: March 11 - April 16, 2018